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love is stronger than hate

This is where my fiance proposed to me. I love her so much. It's a cliche but she really is my other half and I feel grateful everyday to have her in my life. Sometimes I feel like she knows me better than I know myself.
There might be rough days ahead for the LGBTQ community given all the things going on politically. I like to see the light in this being that now is a time, the time in fact, for us to come together and to be stronger than ever. 
We aren't going to stop being queer. We aren't going to stop laughing together, kissing, holding hands in public, and being proud about who we are. There is power in love. There is power in community.
Stay strong, support each other, and be yourself. 

gaiety and gravitas

Politics and Facebook getting you down?
Enjoy this complimentary fluffy flying puppy photo!

Canadian election

Two people dressed in chicken costumes are in line to vote.
I want to take a picture so badly but don't want to be a creepy lurker.


Oh hey iPhone. Look at you being all culturally diverse. Good job. 

Flat Foot Active Barbie

Hey fitsters!
Have you read about the new Barbie with FLAT FEET?
That's right! They have released her into the big bad world.
After the "Barbie Engineer" debacle this has earned them some feminism street cred.
Good job Mattel.

pissing off conservatives 101

*walking down a crowded street holding her hand*

Her: We are like a walking poster for diversity
Me: Hmm?
Her: In front of us is a biracial couple and (gesturing to us) then there are two lesbians
Me: Haha! I like it.