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Pet friendly

If you don't like dogs maybe you shouldn't live in a pet friendly building.
Also if you don't like my dog there is no hope for you.
She is giant marshmallow with a tail. 



          they tried to make me go to rehab I said bow-wow-wow
#snow #winter


Email from the man I switched costumes with on Halloween:

Him: Looking for a sexy blonde lesbian to take to a Christmas party......

Hmmmm let me think....YES!!!
This is going to be the BEST PARTY EVER.
Anyone willing to wear a superwoman costume wins eternal points of awesome as far as I am concerned.
Plus, he called me a sexy blonde lesbian.

pssstttt *let's be friends forever*

Eat Your Dog

-waiting to cross at a red light with my dog-
*I recognize 2 of the local homeless guys approaching behind me*
Homeless guy #1: Can you spare some change?
Random pedestrian: No, sorry
Homeless guy #2: It's so cold and no one gives a f***!
Homeless guy #1: Hey, can I eat your dog?

Dude, for real I was going to buy you pizza.
But now I'm going to buy pepper spray. 


I am pretty sure my neighbours think I am calling my dog "Papi" and not "Puppy".
#precoffeeslur #mooooaaaaaarrrrrrrrrcaffeine #fridaymorning #woooooooo!

If they ask, I will just say I named her after the L Word character: