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describe marriage to me

Me(joking): I think we should skip to the marriage part
Him: I'm surprised marriage is even on your radar. I definitely saw you as the extended relationship type
Me: Why?
Him: Describe marriage to me
Me: I want to wake up beside someone I love everyday
Him: Me too


Him: So, what's happening with you and that girl?
Me: What girl?
Him(smiling): The one you mentioned the other night!
-laughing I pull my fur hood up over my head-
Me: I have no idea what you are talking about

my hair is so big
because it's full of secrets

Stud vs femme


Me: All the dudes I know HATE being called cute
Her: I don't mind. I get called cute all the time. Prob because I'm little
Me: I'll take handsome! Handsome femme haha!
Her: If that's what you like. Very handsome.
Me: Haha no I prefer "female" compliments
Her: I know what femmes like
Me: I'm sure you do
Her: I've been around
Me: Ladykiller
Her: Not like that but I know lol
Me: I know I'm teasing you

lesbian math

Take the amount of lesbians in the city (lez say 100)
yeah puns!
*high fives self*
Divide that by the amount of social groups (ten? oui?)
Ok, how many people have you dated?
No. Really. 
Ok, whatever, let's go with 5. 
You can't date or sleep with any of their friends. 
By dating 5 people you have now dated half the lesbian population!


Her: So she was like, "Brandy's sleeping with him. Everyone is talking about it."
Me: Haha! 
Her: And I was like, "I think she's playing for the other team."
Me: How did you know?
-she looks me in the eye-
Her: I just knew.
your gaydar is strong 

But I like you

Her: You should come watch soccer with me sometime
Me(enthusiastic but not convincing): Ya! ....maybe
Her(laughing): Do you like watching soccer?
Me: Not really (flirt smiling) but I like you