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Via email:
Me: Pho in daaa belllllllayyyy! 12:30?
Her: Are we driving or walking? #newgirl
Him: We can walk it. It is literally across the street. #myfitness #my noodles #mine
Me: #piggyback

Getcha Paint On

I have decided to do the noble thing.
And stop searching for romantic love.
And to instead take a writing class and also oil portrait painting class.
And I wouldn't be surprised if this in fact leads to me finding the right person- like that time I COULDNOTFINDMYGLASSESANYWHEREAGHHHHHHH and it turned out I was wearing them.
Sadly, a true story. Circa 1998.

I've been spending a considerate amount of time doing what one of my dear artist friends refers to as, "skirt chasing".
I am embarrassed to use that expression. But as I said, it's not mine. I am a simple borrower of diction(and often toothpaste).
It was pointed out to me today that I spend a lot of energy on this love thing and perhaps it's time I took a break so my rueful spirit can repair itself properly for once.
It's been like relationship-relationship-relationship-relationship for the past 4ish years.
Although don't be surprised if in like 4 days I am waxing eloquently about someone's luscious hair using various climatic metaphors.
At least I will be writing about it in my writing class with other humans haha or I will be painting their portrait while in a class surrounded by other humans.
I'm excited. Art class: here I come!

Oh baby baby

Guys. It's almost October! What happened????
Here's my list of favourite discoveries/people/things/places of 2014!

1. The beach/mostly driving to the beach singing gangster rap as loud as humanly possible

2. Blue cheese hamburger patties(omgawd)

3. Montreal (bah! I miss you)

4. Pink pedicures and French manicures

5. Telling everyone I am gaaaaaaayyyyy

6. My leather skirt
I need you I want you oh baby baby.
It was love at first sight.

7. My girlfriend(now ex-girlfriend). 
It was amazing. 
Now it's over. 
Peace, girl. 

8. My job.
I design clothes for a living.
And my boss rocks.
I am pretty much the luckiest person ever.

9. Grimes
she rules

10. Jenna Lyons (because she works in fashion as a CEO and she's awesoooome and gaaaayyyyy)
We have so much in common.
For example, we both have approximately 5 billion pairs of shoes. 

11. My red high heels
They really were there for me.
Sadly a month ago they died a tragic sunscreen death. 
(a story for another time haha)

12. Seeing my sister get married in Jamaica! woooo/awwwwwww!

13. Writing and having total strangers from around the world telling me they read my blog everyday!(love youuuuuuu!)

14. My oversized sweater with the ridiculous massive pocket. It's the legal way to wear a blanket to work. I mean come on.

Oh hey, exactly 14 of the best things of 2014. How convenient!
Great year so far.
Btw, I want to know all 13,798 of you guys!
Message me or comment below!
(You can choose the "anonymous" setting if you want to leave a comment super quick).

RAW For The Oceans: G-Star

Oh hey sexy people!
I want to tell you a story:
Once there was a woman in New York.
It was a hot summer. Damn hot. Real hot. So hot you could cook an egg on the sidewalk hot.
She took off her jacket but it wasn't enough. She needed relief. So she ran to a street vendor. She bought a bottle of water and drank the entire thing in 3 seconds flat and then threw it in the trash


She threw it where?!?!


It's ok
You know why? Because of Raw For The Oceans.
That's right. G-Star Raw and Pharrell Williams(ummm like you weren't already in love with him for releasing this are making denim out of recycled plastic from the ocean.
Ya, denim. Out of plastic they pull from the sea.
It's intensely bad-ass.
I feel like the cool thing these days IS to care. Not caring about the environment is laaaaaaaame.
Humanitarianism/ environmentalism/ giving a damn: It's in. It's hot. Take note.
And this trend of caring isn't going away anytime soon cause let's be honest- we have fucked the Earth up pretty bad.
But it's ok. We are going to figure it out together.
AND we get to wear super stylish rad clothes designed by Pharrell Williams and Marc Newson (Design Director of Apple) while we do it!
I love this because they are taking something negative and making something positive out of it.
Pharrell, you are doing something powerful with your fame. Respect.

Check out the website here guys:

Here is a video about the cause:
"You can take low grade plastic debris and turn it into high performance yarn"

Also, I might have a teeny tiny crush on Raw For The Oceans brand ambassador/ artist/ film maker/ activist Brandee Brown. 
I mean how cool is this chick?

Shake It Off

That feeling when your realize your ex has un-blocked you on Instagram because someone "liked" a cute photo of her on your page that you took when you were together. Like, "Oh, hey! It's so great that we can't have coffee together like civilized people but we can now openly spy on each other's lunch choices! High five!"
It's cool though.
I shook it off like Taylor Swift. 

Lesbian Sex Advice For Straight Men

I can't tell you who. Because I am a nice person.
But, a straight man who is practically a stranger figured out that I am gay and asked me for sex advice tonight.
It has begun.
 haha....oh man