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This interview is so gay

Me: Ya man, my blog has blown up. 7000 views in 3 months! It's averaging 500+ a day now. It's crazy
Him: Why do you think it's become so popular?
Me: Well.....I think there aren't that many lesbians in the fashion industry. Or ones who are open about it. There is Jenna Lyon the CEO of JCrew (LOVEYOUJENNA!!!!) Also, there aren't many femme-lesbian blogs where women really talk about what it's like to be gay and to work in fashion. And my blog is all true, brutally honest, and sincere. I think people feel that. I think because it applies to a lot of people-the things I'm going through and coming out of the closet
Him: Do you think it's mostly lesbians reading it?
Me: I think so.....I'm not sure though. Most of the emails I am getting from women are from fem's in Los Angeles. 
Him: Can I ask you something that might be offensive?
Me: Ya, sure. It's all good
Him: So a lesbian relationship does one of you take on the "masculine" traits and the other becomes more feminine? I mean, does one of you become the "man"?
Me: No no. One of the women doesn't have to take on "masculine" traits. Lot's of fems are only attracted to fems.
Him: I see
Me: And don't worry, the other day a curious "straight woman" started asked me a lot of questions about lesbian sex. I don't mind. Then I started asking HER questions about her experiences with women. Then she immediately stopped asking me things! haha
We both laugh

Montreal Lesbian Pyjama Party

Me: Come out for drinks with us! We are at Grenade!
Her: I will stay home tonight, makeup off already;)
Me: Haha you don't need makeup you are gorgeous
Her: Thank you! The pj might kill the mood tho- lol
Me: I bet your rock the pj's
Her: Haha. Might show you...
Me: You probably should

Bad Lesbian Poetry

So, I've pretty much exhausted every avenue trying to get my ex-girlfriend to get back together with me.

These include:

1. Crying on a sidewalk in Montreal 
I may have been at a house party. 
I may have had some watermelon sangria.  
I may have made 3 bad choices altogether this night.

2. Writing her a really bad poem. The worst. 
What is wrong with me?!
Anyways, it was cathartic and she probably thinks I'm a lunatic now. High-five self. 

3. Actually there isn't a #3

But I am left with the present I got her in Montreal which sadly is too specific to give to anyone else. Plus, if I give it to someone I will have to see it. And then I will want to claw my eyes out. Also it's tiny. Because she was small and I don't even know anyone else that small.

Teen Witch Dance Party

So, I got invited via Tinder to a teen-witch dance party at NDQ tonight purely based on my circle glasses. I know it's because of my circle glasses because she explicitly told me so. Thank you Alexander McQueen. High Five.

Awkward Lesbian Dr. Appointment

Dr: Are you on the pill?
Me: No
Dr: You might get pregnant.
Me: I doubt that
Dr: (Eyebrow lift)

My ex-girlfriend was right. You never stop coming out of the closet. This happens. every. day.
Not the doctor appointment part. Just the telling people you are gay part.


Me: I love living in the city
Her: One day, you will end up in the country when you meet the right man
Me: That's not how being gay works

WTF. haha