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gets closer on the couch puts
arm around me

he kisses me on the cheek
he wants me
I want


Universal Law Of Love

it is the universal law of love
that as soon as you are like,
"Meh, I'm over them"
they will show up in your life again

*shakes fist at sky*

My gay kryptonite

Me: I ran into him the other day at a party
My friend: Oh? How was that?
Me: (exasperated) AGH. 

Men chasing lesbians are like dogs chasing cars.
They have no idea what to do once they catch one.

Hot Vs. Crazy

Me(sigh): She's SO hot.....and...kinda crazy haha
Him(making graph-like gestures in the air): It's the hot vs crazy parameters! Generally the hotter someone is, the more likely they are to be nuts!
-I laugh-
Him: It's true!

I think everyone is kind of crazy.
You just have to find someone the same kind of crazy as you haha...
Happy Easter guys!

describe marriage to me

Me(joking): I think we should skip to the marriage part
Him: I'm surprised marriage is even on your radar. I definitely saw you as the extended relationship type
Me: Why?
Him: Describe marriage to me
Me: I want to wake up beside someone I love everyday
Him: Me too

lesbian math

Take the amount of lesbians in the city (lez say 100)
yeah puns!
*high fives self*
Divide that by the amount of social groups (ten? oui?)
Ok, how many people have you dated?
No. Really. 
Ok, whatever, let's go with 5. 
You can't date or sleep with any of their friends. 
By dating 5 people you have now dated half the lesbian population!