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she catches me

I run through the snow 
catch her a cab
I run through the kiss
she catches me every time

Summer love

Her: She's not over her ex
Me: How long has it been?
Her: A year
Me: Whoah....ya...sometimes it takes a long time. Actually I was just talking about this the other day with another friend....I am FINALLY over my ex-girlfriend. It took forever
Her: How long were you together
Me: Just for the summer....but I was in love
Her(smiling): You ARE a lesbian
-we both laugh-

The guy

*on the phone*

My brother: So, what's new?
Me: Not much, working lots, that art party last weekend
My brother: Are you still dating that guy?
Me: Not really sure...I haven't seen him in a while...and I'm pretty gay
My brother(laughing): Hmmm.

Either way
I think we will be friends
for a very very long time


Me: See! YOU are the heartbreaker! Haha
Him: Ya....
Me: You are always calling me that but you are the one breaking hearts
Him: I just like saying it to you
Me: I like it too. Makes me feel like a baller!
-he laughs-


As long as I am being a good person and genuine it shouldn't matter who I am dating. The people who matter the most know I am an individual person separate from who I am in a relationship with.
And my sexual orientation isn't the only glue in a real friendship. 

The Lesbian Dates A Dude. Season 1, Episode 1. Prepare for disaster/potential awesome

Her: what did you do last night?
Me: hung out with a friend
Her: have a weird expression on your face
Me: ....uhmm. I think I might be dating him...
Her(laughing): you do realize he is a man?
Me: Haha, yes. I did notice....I like him. We get along really well and he's nice to me
Her: So, it's like.... you are dating a person....and not a gender?

oui. so it seems.

I decided when I moved and started this blog last June that I would live a 100% true life.
It's a promise to myself I take very seriously.
I'm not ashamed of anything I've done. Ever. Including this.
I spent 5 YEARS hiding my romantic relationships with women.
(the amount of effort it took to keep this secret was quite immense, in hindsight I reeeeaaaaally should have not given a damn and should have been like, "HEY! MEET MY PARTNER! TOTAL BABE, AMIRIGHT?!)

People do actually get struck by lighting sometimes haha, I guess me dating this guy fits into that category. 
And, lastly, I would like to point out that there are a lot of letters in LGBTQ.
Soooo, I'm going to see how this goes.
Because I want to.

Later we can classify this together!
Under either "Romantic tragedy/hilarious mistakes that make good dinner party stories"
"How I met your mother!"