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My niece

-on the phone-

My niece(adorable 3 year old voice): What are you painting?
Me: A portrait of a person
Her Mom: What colour is it?
Me: Black and white
Her Mom: What is your favourite colour?
My niece: RAINBOW! 

Hahaha, this kid is awesome!

Lesbian Obscura

Friday night:

Me: I want to go to 3 art shows and drink wine!
Myself: I want to clean up my apartment and dance around to Camera Obscura! 
Oh, you don't know them? (Here you go!)
I: Want to chill and snuggle with my puppy and watch bad TV shows in flannel pyjamas!
So many choices, bah!

Lesbian penpal

So, I have a lesbian penpal.
Remember when you used to do that? And use actual stamps?
Well, we send each other videos of our dogs and stuff.
We met through my blog a few months ago. 
Once she sent me videos from her closet where she was building Ikea furniture for her roommate haha
And she paints/does art so she shows me what she is working on.
I once helped her choose a duvet cover. 
Now that I am typing this I notice I probably talk with her the most other than non-related people. 

It's awesome.
Can't wait to meet her in LA soon!


Monday: 8:23am
Just enough time to drive to work(7 minutes)
I push the door open and sunlight burns my not-nearly-caffeinated-enough retinas.
Um. where is my car. WHERE is my car?!?!


Me: How are you?
Her: Ok, kinda tired.
Me: Trip wore you out, hey?
She nods
Her: Are you sick?
-she makes a motion indicating body sickness-
Me: Hmm? Hahaha no, I broke my coffee machine. This is what I look like un-caffeinated.

First time I ever wore Converse sneakers to work and didn't do my hair in 6 months lol
#coffeeaddict #love it #cantevenfunctionwithoutit

....hipster or lesbian?

Are her glasses prescription?
What does the plaid mean?
Is the vegan thing a hint.....?
....she's looking at me still....
I see your undercut.
I. See. You.