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Talk dirty to me

Me: You are so polite
Him: Hahahaha oh no! Maybe that's my problem with women!
Me: What? No! It's a good thing
Him: No one has ever been like, "Ooooo you are so polite. Talk polite to me all night long!"


Via email:
Me: Pho in daaa belllllllayyyy! 12:30?
Her: Are we driving or walking? #newgirl
Him: We can walk it. It is literally across the street. #myfitness #my noodles #mine
Me: #piggyback

Shake It Off

That feeling when your realize your ex has un-blocked you on Instagram because someone "liked" a cute photo of her on your page that you took when you were together. Like, "Oh, hey! It's so great that we can't have coffee together like civilized people but we can now openly spy on each other's lunch choices! High five!"
It's cool though.
I shook it off like Taylor Swift. 

Lesbian Sex Advice For Straight Men

I can't tell you who. Because I am a nice person.
But, a straight man who is practically a stranger figured out that I am gay and asked me for sex advice tonight.
It has begun.
 haha....oh man

The brownies are gay

Me: I am not really sure what the point is...I mean...the objective...I just started the blog for fun
Him: Well 12000 people are reading it. People are obviously connecting with what you are saying
Me: I mean, I am writing the book too so I guess that is part of it. It's like getting naked every day though
Him: I think the point is just connecting with people. Isn't that what art is really about? Keep writing

Kiss It Better

Via text:
Her: I had my braces tightened yesterday so my mouth is owie right now
Me: Aw:( here I'll kiss it better

And if that doesn't help.....cats.