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Last night I had a dream that I had 5 cats
And I had no idea where they came from
Hopefully cats represent girlfriends and this is a premonition

The other word for love

-I can tell she did her hair for him-

Her: Oh man!(her eyes light up) I can't wait to see him tonight! He's amazing! The best! I love him!
Me: Ooooohhhwow! Haha
Her: Whoah, I didn't mean it like that....I mean.....
Me: There should be another word for that kind of love actually. Like a word for the feeling(I make a centre body fluttery motion with my hand) where you want to see the person all the time and know everything about them and can't wait to hear from them and you like everything about them


-on Skype-

Him: Hey, ok give me a thumbs up if you can hear this, k?
He turns on some beats and nods his head
He starts free style rapping

This f***ing guy.
His lyrics are so personal
But ever since the first time I saw him perform I have felt like he's channeling an entire generation.
His new stuff is wicked. Can't wait until he posts it so I can share it with you guys.

Crazy talented.

Free Love

Her: I am "straight" but I mean...I have had crushes on girls
-loud music plays in the background-
-I lean against a wall-
Her: I think in the future gender won't even like 20 love whoever you want to love

she is the third person to say this to me in the past 2 weeks

how (not) to cook a turkey

-last year-
Tuesday night. 6pm. 
I buy a 16lb turkey for $10. How can this go wrong? ...right?

I happily throw the turkey in the oven.
I think, turkey is just like chicken. No probs guys. I have this.

A few hours later I decide to read the tag-which says, "Please be sure to remove the bag from inside the bird before placing it in the oven."

...bag inside the bird....inside....INSIDE??!?.....what bag?! What is IN said bag? What is said bag made of?! Noooooooo!!!!!

-phone sandwiched between my ear and shoulder while turkey fat and juice and all-together-bad-fleshy-things spray everywhere-turkey in the sink-turkey hot-turkey frozen-turkey bones cracking-turkey looks like tiny infant-where is the bag of mystery parts???!? Wheerrrrrreeeeeee

I am traumatized. 
I never recover. 

My Big Fat Lesbian Wedding

So, my lesbian Penpal proposed on Skype tonight.
Want to see the ring???
Yeah you do!
                                 Hahaha how could I say no to this beaut?