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Lesbian-free Canadiana

No matches for 20 minutes.
It's official.
There are no lesbians in Canada. 

no pants (are the best pants)

dancing around my loft apartment eating salad pant-less
(my second favourite hobby next to napping like an old man)
suddenly realize nearby neighbour across from me on their balcony
*awkward wave*

ummm, you are on fire

-I join in the lunch convo-

Girl #1: I can't cry
Me(sitting down): You can't? Why?
Girl #1(deadpan): I physically can but I have no soul
-I laugh-
Girl #2: Check out this one piece crochet jumper Miley Cyrus is wearing! I would totally wear it!
-she passes her phone to us-
Girl #1: If I ever see you wearing that I will light you on fire

Important Information

Virginia Woolf believed textiles were crucial as they are our first memories as children.

When I met you
I took your name
wrapped it in silk and 
put it in a small wooden treasure chest inside my mind which I save for 
"Very Important Information"
I also put your birthday there on a string.

All I See

I get up.
Make coffee.
Go back to bed.
Doze in and out of sleep.
Sometimes look at her face
-wondering how she finds so many flaws in herself
when all I see is beauty.

The Lottery


Me: In a way, arranged marriages make sense. Dating can be so hard and frustrating.
Him: Well, you are trying to find love....that is harder!
Me: ...ya I think we could both go get married tomorrow if we wanted to but I want to find the RIGHT person, not just any person
Him: Haha.... it is a lottery